pátek 11. října 2013

Cambodia 8/10

Coming back from a lovely dinner at the Tara Boat my thoughts are all about how would it feel to live here your whole life. Cambodia is a place that really makes yu think. Think and appreciate what you have, who you are and where you were born. Seeing these families on floating houses makes me feel guilty for having my stomach filled with good food that i didnt really have to earn and eating as much as i wish. Because most of the people here cant. But the local people seem happy. Happy for the little they have. Maybe we should all come to see the life here to reslize this. Because it's not having a big house, shiny car or fancy cloths that you barely wear that matter.

I dont need to travel to countries that are same to my own. I want to visit places like Cambodia  that challenge my comfort zone and make me think and truelly connerct with myself. Do things that I've never done before. Not man made ones but things that local people here do everyday. 

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